Archive for January, 2010

Kelebihan Budu

Oleh Siti Nur Almizan Aripin
SEBUT saja budu, pasti terbayang makanan tradisional masyarakat Pantai Timur, iaitu Kelantan dan Terengganu. Budu kini bukan saja terkenal di negara ini malah sudah sampai ke luar negara.

Makanan tradisional yang diperbuat daripada ikan bilis yang diperam sehingga hancur mendapat perhatian dan dijadikan kajian ahli pemakanan berkhasiat Jepun, Amerika Syarikat, Australia, New Zealand dan Jerman.

Penemuan saintis berkenaan mendapati budu mengandungi gluthaione (bahan antioksidan), mengeluarkan sisa toksik dan mampu meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh (imun) yang dapat memerangi pelbagai penyakit berbahaya serta menghalang kanser.

Kini terbukti makanan tradisional yang sering dianggap kuno itu setanding dengan ubatan berteknologi tinggi malah menyimpan seribu satu rahsia yang selama ini tersimpan tanpa ada yang peduli.


Sesiapa yang impikan wajah kekal tegang dan bebas daripada kedutan sebelum waktunya, anda disarankan supaya memakan budu kerana kajian mendapati ia berpotensi melawan radikal bebas sekali gus menghalang proses penuaan.

Malah, budu berupaya mencegah penyakit aterosklerosis (timbunan lemak di dinding pembuluh darah), koroner jantung, kencing manis dan kanser pada peringkat awal. Selain itu, kandungan budu mempunyai zat antibakteria cirit-birit, penurunan kolesterol darah, pencegah sakit jantung dan tekanan (hipertensi).

Pengambilan budu sebagai makanan tambahan juga mampu menggalakkan pertumbuhan berat badan bagi golongan yang menderita penyakit cirit-birit kronik dan mampu menyembuhkan dalam tempoh yang singkat. Dalam erti kata lain, budu boleh menggantikan makanan tambahan untuk sesiapa yang berhasrat untuk menambahkan berat badan.


Budu mengandungi jumlah mineral zat besi, kalsium, magnesium dan zat antioksidan dalam bentuk isoflavon yang sangat diperlukan tubuh untuk menghentikan reaksi pembentukan radikal bebas.
Radikal bebas adalah atom atau molekul yang mempunyai satu atau lebih elektron yang tidak berpasangan sehingga menjadi sangat aktif hingga menyebabkan tumor, kanser, penuaan dan kematian sel. Adanya antioksidan di dalam budu, ia akan bertindak mencegah pembentukan radikal bebas.

Ini terbukti apabila penyelidik di Universiti Carolina, Amerika Syarikat menemui unsur genestein dan phytoestrogen di dalam budu yang sememangnya terbukti dapat mencegah kanser, proses penuaan dan barah payu dara.

Selain sumber protein berkualiti tinggi di dalam ramuan budu, makanan tradisional ini turut mengandungi sumber serat yang baik. Kandungan seratnya mampu mencapai antara 8 hingga 10 peratus bagi setiap 100 gram budu. Jumlah itu lebih daripada mencukupi seperti disarankan Pusat Penyelidikan Kanser Kebangsaan iaitu sebanyak 30 peratus.


Mengambil budu dalam sajian lengkap harian dikatakan boleh meningkatkan IQ. Budu mampu merangsang sel otak dan memperkukuhkan ikatan antara neuron serta menguatkan neuron yang lemah.


Budu turut merencatkan pertumbuhan bakteria raffinosa dan stokiosa, penyebab gejala kembung perut kalangan kanak-kanak dan remaja.


Terdapat dua kumpulan vitamin pada budu iaitu vitamin larut air (B kompleks) dan vitamin larut lemak (vitamin A, D, E dan K).

Vitamin B adalah sumber vitamin utama terkandung dalam budu dan terbahagi kepada pecahan lain seperti B1 (thiamin), B2 (roboflavin), asid pantotenat, niasin, B6 dan b12 (sianokobalamin).

Secara saintifiknya, budu menjadi penyumbang utama vitamin B12 yang dihasilkan bakteria klebsiella pneumoniae dan citobacter frundiin. Ia tidak dimiliki daripada mana-mana sumber makanan laut, ikan dan daging. Ia mampu membentuk sel darah merah dan mencegah penyakit anemia, sakit perut dan berat badan menurun.

ps : mak n adik beradik dia mmg gila budu. Aku je xmkn sgt..Tp telur goreng budu yg mak buat paling sedap..

pss : Last night i sleepover kt rumah jaja,my cousin.We talk about marriage and pregnancy(she’s pregnant 32 weeks). It made me think when im dealing with pregnancy later, im gonna miss mak soo much..Those will be the time i need her the most, but i cant have it..T___T. She has a very good hands of being a caretaker, those berpantang session, what can or what not to eat…If I got married, i’ll be staying at JB, Nasir’s mom already passed away too..I have nobody..But I think akak can guide me or she’ll be take care of me???hehe she’s already 42, can consider elderly la..

makan ramai-ramai..rindunya

can u see budu there

Marry?Shuhh 4 years later la….

I used to be so sensitive when people talked about marriage. I never thought about it, my boyfriend dont spill anything close to it and im most likely being around late-age woman whose still enjoying single life.

Last year, theres this kinda phenomena among my buddies where everybody got married so early. I wonder what drives them..

I had this terrible assumption that i do not want to jot it down here about why they got married early. ps Dont worry its not about sex at all..just another thing..let me keep that to myself.

Then my life gradually change..My bf text me out of nowhere ” Sayang jom tunang”. I got cold feet. I thought he’s the one who said not later than 30, but near to that….

Then my mother passed away..I feel soo lonely..This event had gives so much impact into my view on life. I noticed theres a big hole inside me, and i surgely wanted to load it with anything…. or anyone maybe?

I read some books and blogs about marriage in does made me think differently

I just want a simple wedding. I saw this on Saiful Nang facebook( is it ok i copy it?), this is exactly what i want to wear

Just a simple white-beige kurung with that traditional necklace. i really love those accesories..last time i saw at SACC expensive oi

Abandoned place with green grass element??..THIS IS MY IDEA of outdoor shoot.Hahaha. Love ittt

Got 1 pic of Ehsan’s wedding. He’s the son of DSAI. His wedding..oh myyy….i love it..Nk upload gambr xbole..aiiih

Oh some wedding element that triggers me is some video i found veryyyy ..romantic : Must watch!! Faeza and Fuad wedding video : This is Chika’s wedding video

Ok stop day-dreaming and get back to work!

geek friend, please stand up

Interesting clock…….

Put this on the wall if you got lil kids..They could join Mathletes. ( result may varies)

ps : Whats that ” ! ” thing were called?? I really do not mixed well with math

I had movie-marathon

This week is a LAAAZY week.But i did some work , practising myself of being a great housewife. I think the term “housewife” has been misinterpret by a lot of people. Ok whatever malas nk interpret

I went to Ain’s house. She’s my schoolmate and she’s totally funny. We shared a lot of funny things together. Like..who will think ‘Land of the lost’ is laughable..but she discovered that. And we like almost the same genre of movies and we merepek too. But I hadnt seen her for ages, last was when she comes to my mom’s tahlil. I borrowed from her Mr beans holiday( i know this movie is so outdated, but i havent got a chance to watch it), Wild Child( teeny whiny but its relaxed), Aliens in the attic (very funny) and The Happening (super cool).

I watched Mr Bean Holiday on Saturday night. I always thought this is utterly funny movie but it was so-so. The only part i laughed is when Mr Bean steals this Frenchman motor-bicycle but it was so slow, that the owner can just walk and grab it back.

Excuse me sir..

Aliens in the attic on Sunday morning(after made pancakes and custard delishiousss i tell u). I love it ( i mean the movie), its funny, real and family-friendly movie. I had no worries watching it with my niece or nephew. Ricky is an interesting character and i love the fact that it was a short-period movie which settle in 1 night but a lot of things going on between that. The twin brothers is cute, Hannah’s very adorable and the script is funny.

Hannah and the geek alien

Cont with Wild Child. Seriously, I got bored at the beginning of the movie but it got interesting after Poppy( Emma Roberts) went to English boarding school. I firstly disagree that Emma Roberts got this role, i think this not suit for her. She’s not so much of a queen bee and she’s kinda short. Ahaha. Its an easy-watching movie. i love Drippy character play by Juno Temple and she reminds me of  Daphne in Heroes.

New gangs, Drippy on the right

After lunch : The Happening played by hunky Mark Wahlberg and Zooey Deschanel. I pick it because Zooey in it and recommend by Ain itself (I trust her movie-picking sensory). So even the first part is interesting!, apart from the dead-silence motion picture i thought my TV’s going hay wired but then theres sound heard and im super hype. This is a simple movie but is interpreted very well by M. Night Shyamalan. Very directive and complicated environment phenomena but easily explain by this lines ” An act of nature and we’ll never fully understand it”. Its nerve-wrecking to see people kills themselves within seconds after the chemical spread. (Hey this is a great movie for chemistry student :)). Plants release neurotoxin that distort nerve-control? Is that so? Could this happening in the near future? Seriously I never heard about it before but Shyamalan made me think! Gahhh. There is no paper proved that plants can really release chemicals but maybe IF it was initiated/driven by other substances, it could be possible. I personally know very little about plant chemistry.

Beware of parks, plants, grass or green things!or else....

Great weekends.. lazing at home, cooks, clean up house, and menjaja muka depan ayah..hehe

AJL..Illuminati and my faith

Stories behind AJL( Anugerah Juara Lagu 24) spread over the internet rapidly..More info you can refer here..

I firstly heard about Illuminati after watched ” Angel & Demon” or “Da Vinci Code”. Now I feel guilty watching and trying to understand the movies. Its just within me although i find the movie are interesting and the story lines developed well. I feel restless along the movie but its really made me stick to the seat and force me to understand it.

Looking many Islamic movie/telemovie/documentary i spend to watch? I rather watch Christinity-movie over Islamic-theme? I feel so sinful. I also feel the same way when people ask me to watch Christmas-like movie..I keep asking myself “Will I go to GSC and buy tickets to watch the movie title Perjuangan rasulullah or Jejak Rasul something like that?”

I recently bought some books but I really interested in Yakjuj and Makjuj book, so I bought one. Cheryl told me some stories about Yakjuj & Makjuj that i dont know, so i thought i must know, and i bought the book. Its good to have a friend that have same perception as you do and keen about these things. Later when i arrived home, i text her and quote ” Im grateful that Allah brought us together””I never had these true passion to gain knowledge about Islam but now I do, maybe it was my mom last gift”

I bought some Yassin to donate to hospital’s surau in the name of Arwah mak and some Islamic book that i thought will gives something to the community or individual who reads it. When I was waiting for my car to be serviced, i noticed there’s some islamic book(mostly about Hari Akhirat, alam kubur dsb) donated by some organization or individuals, i thought wow this is good and when i read it, it really gives impact and knowledge i never knew or neglect before.

There’s also this book that i find very good, it was called “Jangan Bersedih” and im planning to buy it when i come to a point i lose my sanity and think so much about my mom, cries like a child and needs motivation. I also recommend it to those friends/family to give as a present to a person who lost someone.

It was a wake-up call to me. Im trying to dig in depth about my own religion(sounds weird but its true, i dont spend much time trying to figure out depth things of my own religion that is written on my ID). I mean solat is an obligation and we people perform it now and then but other than that..The History of Islam, Kisah rasul, Aqidah..How much did we/I know?

Ok theres no need to explain so much about how I felt but im relieved. This blog speaks within me.

p/s : Ya Allah lindungilah kami dari godaan syaitan yang terkutuk.

watch American Idol with tears

Why do I find American Idol interesting??

What I liked the most is when the selection starts, the judges went to different states and allocates some talents there from a thousand of people awaiting to be famous..Thats when the fun start..There will be the weirdos, the freak, the talented, the nervous, the beaubelle, and so on…

I watched the new American idol when they reach Atlanta ATL and invites Mary J. Blige as a guest judge.

Why eh everytime the contestant got the ticket to Hollywood, i cried..

Ok i know its all about “Pants on the ground” that makes it such a success but I also love Vanessa Wolfe, the bridge-jumping girl that is authentic and country, as said by Kara. She’s incredibly sweet, genuine and humble( she mentioned the Dollar store where she bought the dress she wore).

There were tears in my eyes everytime they got the golden ticket. The background music was overwhelming..its all put together greatly by the producer. It touches to heart. Reality TV in Malaysia should really use AI as a benchmark to improve their quality of the show. I really dont get it when LG Star Search aired..its really nothing..Ok back to the AI..They found amusing talent..or not.There’s a stories behind every contestant, like a nearly 3 times death, the good son taking care of spina bifida’s mom, the cop who protects and serve residents, the BFF’s and so on..That what make AI very catchy.

Here's the new line-up..hey,there Ellen!

Simon Cowell, Randy Jackson, Kara DioGuardi and Ellen DeGeneres will be the judge this season.(Is kara and ellen related??Their name sounds alike somehow :))..Ellen replace Paula and this also will be the last AI Simon judge, sadly.

Some biodata about the judges :-

Ellen Lee DeGeneres (born January 26, 1958) is an American stand-up comedienne, television hostess and actress. She hosts the syndicated talk show The Ellen DeGeneres Show, and is also a judge on American Idol, having joined the show in its ninth season.

She has hosted both the Academy Awards and the Primetime Emmys. As a film actress, she starred in Mr. Wrong, appeared in EDtv and The Love Letter, and provided the voice of Dory in the Disney-Pixar’s animated film Finding Nemo. She also starred in two television sitcoms, Ellen from 1994 to 1998 and The Ellen Show from 2001 to 2002. In 1997, during the fourth season of Ellen, she came out publicly as a lesbian in an appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show.

Kara Elizabeth DioGuardi born December 9, 1970) is an American singer-songwriter, record producer,music publisher, A&R executive, and TV personality. She writes music primarily in the light pop-rock, dance, and R&B genres. DioGuardi has worked with Kelly Clarkson,Kylie Minogue, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Leona Lewis, Santana, Enrique Iglesias, Backstreet Boys,Celine Dion, P!nk, Carrie Underwood, Hilary Duff, Jason Derülo and 38 others artists and is credited on over 120 album releases.

Simon Phillip Cowell (born 7 October 1959) is an English music executive, television producer and celebrity, and entrepreneur. He is known in the United Kingdom and in the United States for his role as a talent judge on TV shows such as Pop IdolAmerican IdolThe X Factor, and Britain’s Got Talent. He is also the owner of the television production and music publishing house Syco which will be rebranded to Greenwell Entertainment as part of a coalition with Sir Philip Green.

-source from wiki

Senarai Kesyukuran

Saya akan buat list senarai kesyukuran secara berterusan…

1. Saya bersyukur Allah memberi peluang saya hidup di muka bumi. Terlalu banyak dosa yang belum tentu dapat diampunkan. Tapi saya berusaha untuk mendapat keampunan.

2. Saya bersyukur walaupun mak sudah tiada, saya masih mempunyai ayah, abang, kakak. Saya tidak keseorangan.

3. Saya bersyukur mempunyai pekerjaan tetap.

4. Saya bersyukur saya tidak perlu susah untuk bergerak kerana mempunyai kereta.

5. Saya bersyukur ramai orang mendoakan kesejahteraan mak di alam sana.InsyaAllah.

6. Saya bersyukur ramai orang menyembahyangkan jenazah mak.

7. Saya bersyukur emak pergi dengan tenang walaupun berhadapan penyakit. Mak berpeluang jumpa semua orang yang dia sayang sebelum pergi, terutama sekali anak-anak.

8. Saya bersyukur saya sempat menjaga emak sebelum dia pergi.

9. Saya bersyukur saya sempat meminta ampun dari mak atas segala dosa saya terhadapnya.

10. Saya bersyukur saya sempat memngambil wuduk untuk emak pagi hari dia pergi.

11. Saya bersyukur saya ada di samping emak di saat Izrail datang memanggil.

12. Saya bersyukur saya suci dan tidak datang bulan ketika mak pergi, saya berharap dan berniat solat jenazah dan byk baca al-quran untuk mak.

13. Saya bersyukur Allah bagi petunjuk untuk saya dekat denganNya, meneliti solat jenazah betul2 sebelum emak pergi dan menyedekahkan sebanyak bacaan Yasin untuk mak.

14. Saya bersyukur emak selalu ingat Allah dan berdoa dia pergi dalam iman..

15. Saya bersyukur ramai orang bersedekah untuk arwah emak.

16. Saya bersyukur saya dengar suara mak memanggil saya malam selepas kematiannya. Saya berdoa untuk mendengar suaranya/mimpikannya.

17. Saya bersyukur saya masih ada tempat tinggal.

18. Saya bersyukur kesihatan saya baik buat masa sekarang.

19. Saya bersyukur kesihatan ayah serta adik beradik lain masih baik hingga sekarang.

20. Saya bersyukur Malaysia masih aman dan tiada perperangan/pergolakan berlaku.

21. Saya bersyukur saya mempunyai teman lelaki yang menyayangi saya dan insyaAllah akan memperisterikan saya satu masa nanti.

22. Saya bersyukur mak sempat tengok saya konvo..Saya berjaya tunaikan perkara yang arwah kakak Linda xsempat lakukan.

23. Saya bersyukur …..


Gambar ni petanda awal mungkin..Masa awal2 pun xsedap hati je

September 2009-Mak with her 4/10 grandchild

p/s : Emak tersayang Hanisah binti Abdullah pergi menemui Illahi pada 29 Disember 2009 bersamaan 12 Muharam 1431 jam 9.13pm. Al-fatihah.Semoga tenang arwah di sana dan ditempatkan dikalangan orang yang Allah kasihi. Amin.