this is so complicated!!!!

Modern or Traditional treatment for cancer?????

My findings :

National Cancer Society Malaysia officer said ” Go for chemo first after that do whatever you want”

MAKNA officer said” Chemo Chemo”

TCM Hospital Putrajaya coordinator said” Chemo first then come here for complimentary side-effect treatment”

Cancer survivor Master Yap said ” Tung Shin is good,anything you decide, you must be rigid about it and have faith”

Nutrition therapist said ” Never go for Chemo-make her condition worsens. Plus she’s very letharghy now, what about after chemo later?”

Colleague cum Nutritionist said ” Tung Shin Tung Shin”

Malay Traditional Practitioner said” Dont do Chemo!”

Now my mom has been reviewed back after some uncertainties PPUM’s detect from her previous Lab report. So she’ll have to do the diagnostic procedure once again all over-CT scan, xray, hispatologi..

And now she’s soooo weak…

I don’t think she’ll ever fit for Chemotherapy anymore….

Ya Allah

Ya Allah, ya Tuhan-ku, sesungguhnya aku minta kebaikan dalam urusanku dengan ilmu Engkau, dan aku minta kepastian kepada-Mu dengan kudrat-Mu, dan aku minta kepada Mu dari keutamaan-Mu yang Agung itu, Sesungguhnya Engkau berkuasa dan aku tidak berkuasa, Engkau mengetahui dan aku tidak mengetahui, serta Engkau mengetahui barang yang ghaib, Ya Allah, Ya Tuhanku, jika Engkau mengetahui urusan ini .Untuk ku dalam agama-ku, dan dunia ku dan akibatnya didunia dan di akhirat takdirkanlah ia untuk ku dan berkahkanlah aku didalamnya, kemudian senangkanlah ia untuk ku, dan jika Engkau mengetahuinya bahawa urusan ini? buruk/jelek bagi-ku dalam agama ku, dan dunia ku, dan akibatnya didunia dan diakhirat, maka palingkanlah aku dari padanya, dan palingkanlah ia dari pada ku dan takdirkanlah bagi ku kebaikan dimana saja berada, sesungguhnya Engkau atas segala sesuatu sangat berkuasa, dan selawat atas Allah kepada Nabi Muhammad dan keluarganya serta para sahabatnya dengan keselamatan.

Mohon panjangkan usia mak untuk dia memijak di tanah suci menunaikan umrah…

Mak (Right )with her sisters-bersemangat dan sembuhlah mak..nanti boleh kita jalan-jalan lagi

4 responses to this post.

  1. My dad said it depends on the level of the cancer. If early, better do chemo but if critical, he said better not coz it’ll only make the patient suffer even more. My dad’s mom (my late granny) had a brain cancer so he talked purely based on experience but we are no expert. You must be confused… I’d too. Hope for the best. you are a very good daughter…


  2. babe, be strong. we are all here praying together with u.


  3. Posted by nughol on December 23, 2009 at 4:13 am

    Zue : her condition worse than past 2 month…..SOmetimes I blame myself..for not hurrying, focus on her..enjoy banyak..omg im such a bad person actually…This is a test…we know we can handle it and i hope my mom too..right now her psychology quite low..I call MAKNA and the officer said she’ll come visit together with lymphoma cancer survivors, to give her motivation and support….At least i want her to fight for life!

    Ain : Thanks babe…muchas gracias :X


  4. hey, u r not bad. This is a test bcoz u & ur mom are good people. Dun ever think its bcoz u r bad, coz u r not.. I wish & pray for the best for ur mom. Love.


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