Archive for February, 2011

Food for soul

One thing i love about facebook is that it doesnt only keep me connected with friends, but also gives me useful inputs. I once proclaimed myself to facebooking for greater good.

in a relationship with helps me a lot with their great notes during my hard times. Tapi sekarang dah tak ada notes. I wonder why…

I came across Mutiara Hati that put good statuses

If our ‘love’ for something makes us willing to give up our family, our dignity, our self-respect, our bodies, our sanity, our peace of mind, our ‘deen’, and even our Lord who created us from nothing, know that we are not ‘in love’. We are slaves.


So while ultimate happiness is everyone’s goal, it is often difficult to see past the illusions and discern love from ‘hawa’ (nafsu). One fail-safe way, is to ask yourself this question: Does getting closer to this person that I ‘love’ bring me closer to—or farther from—Allah? In a sense, has this person replaced Allah in my heart?


Whatever grief we go through, whatever hardship we endure, we must understand that we are never alone. Even if we feel abandoned by the world and those closest to us, Allah is there. He reminds us in the Qur’an, “Fear not. Indeed, I am with you [both]; I hear and I see.” (20:46)


Happy Monday. Its the last day of February 2011.

I am a good girlfriend.

and im not ashamed to put that up.

I watched No String Attached last night with my girls, I know its not a good rated kind of movie but somehow takada movie lain lagi..we kinda had to…unwillingly :p. Since dah lama pula tak hang out with these girls, so belasah. (Actually kiki nak sangat.haha)

Personally, the early part of the movie is geli lah..But the later part is sweet. Here comes the mushy side of Ashton Kutcher. It potrays the perfect boyfriend character in action

  • Brings a balloon to the workplace
  • Did a period mix CD while she’s in menses-lunatic cycle. All songs related to blood, bleed, periods and such..sweet..
  • Brings cupcakes while shes in menses-lunatic cycle.
  • Set up an itinerary dates.
  • brings a bouquet of carrots instead of flower because the girls doesn’t favor it.
  • had a breakfast date!
  • drives a long way just to see him/her

I did gives CD mix, cupcakes, breakfast date, flowers, planned dates even tho it doesnt have a real print-out itinerary and did drives a loong way just to see him. I work so hard for the relationship. It didnt pay off but its ok. Im glad i did those.

Zue said im a playgirl..means i hang out with many different girls at one time. And i went out singly..haha. Sounds like a real playgirl kan. Im a one-on-one type, I notice that.

Shot by Rudy Azwan at Kak kema’s solemnization. I love this pic so much. Boy.. dont we look crazy happy? They’re all been good to me. I never thought I could like..ever befriends with them since dulu UTM tak tegur sangat cuma tegur with Wilson sebab dia selalu kacau my dancers team practice kat hall KRP..hehe..and Nazmi sebab dia mmg dancing team and Awang sebab in dancing team juga. Tu pun biasa2 je. Ummu obviously lah is my friend. Puyi’s expression which contra dengan everyone else mcm stood up sgt..hehe

Semenyih clan

Shall i compare thee to a summer day?

….Thou art more lovely and more temperate..

* Shoot at Putrajaya, near the dam. I kinda like this 6 series of photo. It looks..i dunno..nice.

* Something struck me about beauty. If a person praise your beauty..what should you reply in accordance of his/her praise?… A friend of mine replied ” Cantik tu Allah yang bagi. Alhamdulillah”.. terus sejuk hati mendengarnya and realise semua ni Allah yang bagi.. bagi pinjam pulak tu..How teruk we were, lepas org puji, then lagi nak meninggi diri. If we meant to joke around pun…i dah rasa bad. One thing memanglah selalu we thank the person back kan..And plus, dengan said Alhamdulillah, kita memuji kebesaran Allah. Kan pahala tu.wallahualam. 🙂

He left..i dont know..He just left….

If people were to ask me..

🙂 Happy Wednesday

wishlist 2009

I print screen-ed it while browsing older post on FB.. Sajer nak tgok who i am dulu..Of what i want to achieve.. Dulu im such a dreamers.. Sekarang macam dah tak… So sekarang nak uplift semangat semula. My top 5 list i want (dunya)..hehe

1. Macbook

2. Nokia 5730 xpressmusic

3. A house

4. Waterproof camera

5. Holiday

Sekarang pun nak lagi lah benda2 ni..

Cukuplah Engkau sahaja yang menjadi pemeliharaku…

Some of the beautiful quotes on Quran that i jot down into my phone recently :

1) Dan ketahuilah olehmu bahawa di tengah-tengahmu ada Utusan Allah! Kalau diturutnya kemahuanmu dalam beberapa hal, tentulah kamu akan mendapat kesusahan. (7:49 Hujurat)

2) Janganlah keislaman itu kamu anggap sebagai jasa kepadaku, melainkan Allah yang berjasa kepadamu, kerana kamu telah dipimpinNya kepada keimanan, kalau kamu memang orang -orang yang benar (17:49 Hujurat)

3) Dia yang menjadikan kamu dan mengadakan pendengaran buat kamu, penglihatan dan perasaan. Sedikit sekali kamu bersyukur. (23:67 Mulk)

4) Kalau Quran ini Kami turunkan kepada sebuah gunung, sudah tentu engkau akan melihat gunung itu tunduk dan belah kerana takutnya kepada Allah. itulah perumpamaan yang Kami buat untuk manusia, supaya mereka dapat memikirkan. (21:59 Hasyr)

# I really love Al-Qiyamah recitation on my mp3 player .Im not sure who recite it.  It gives such comfort.:)

# Talked to fafa last night..She always opens up my mind about my career path which is soo uncertain. InshaAllah im gonna do it. Passion job innit..hehe.

# InshaAllah, im going to perform my umrah on the 11th of March -23th of March with my families. Allah always has better plan for us kan, Alhamdulillah. Banyak lagi kena baca n tahu for this ibadah trip..:)

# This post title..makes me strong. I dont have to rely/hope on anyone else. Allah kan selalu ada..I always tought i’ve been in a relationship for so long, i forgot how to live alone. Salah. Allah takpernah tinggalkan kita. Kita tak pernah alone. These past month i sangat make me sick.

facebook and such


Found this while seeing all my fb post..Its way back 2009 but

its fun to see it back…I always tot i love artsy thing even tho i dont have the hands..i have the eye..ehehe

can anyone be the exact same of yours in terms of everything?

I have goosebumps.

CNY long long holiday but strangely….

macam tak cuti..maybe sebab byk benda buat..But all those i filled with good things and something came up outta this holiday..some small business idea from my friend. Ok will come to that part later.

Federal Territory Day on Tuesday. Spending the time on morning logging in facebook.I am such a facebook freak lately. Faiz just finished editing my passport size photo. I ask his favors to change the colour of tudung to black. Alang ask me to amik gambar lain tapi malas ah, i already liked the photo, plus murah skit nak print balik kan..Then, dia siap edit tambah makeup semua..I am soo puas hati ye…So tak pegi print lg pun..ehehee..Then around 3pm, keluar dengan Lia nak beli wedding present Dekna. Pergi fetch lia, pack cakes n kuah bakso dia buat. Lia is such a wife-material..

Pergi Tesco Semenyih dulu kot2 ade bathrobe. Initial plan to buy 2 bathrobe and buat embroidery kt belakang tu Bride/Groom or Dekna/Pidot. Takde..Pegi JJ Cheras Selatan, ada tp mahal..tgok electrical appliances, berkenan tp tak beli sebab nk beli kt Tesco kajang konon2 murah lg. Then to Tesco kajang. Ouch mahal. Pegi balik JJ.Haha tahape2..At the end beli kt JJ gak..Lia overwhelm gila sebab dapat beli blender Elba yg look exclusive in stainless steel at such a low price. Ok lepas ni we can have our smoothies/ice blended party!!

Then balik JJ, amik cuppies,  pergi rumah dekna to help ape patut..Padahal tolong borak n tolong dia tidur lambat adela :p..

Wednesday morning, pergi florist, beli bunga for dekna room deco, hand over to her, then off to Wangsa Maju. Meet zu, guna her celica car to fetch Faiz n pergi photoshoot kat Putrajaya. its a sukasuka photoshoot since zu want it so badd..ahaha..i honestly xda perasaan nak photoshoot sangat. Pakai baju casual je. So it went well. Balik rumah jap amik usb cable then off to Zue’s place to transfer the gambar. Overnight at Zue’s place. I missed Dekna’s solemnization.

Thursday morning off to Semenyih pergi kenduri dekna by Alos n Lia’s car. Bla bla…balik rumah ngantok gile sbb the night before tido lewat, tgok2 gambar. Lepak n watching tv’s.At 8 pergi raya at PD-Alos chinese family. Ok dapat angpoww..hehe..Balik dah around 1am kot.

Friday morning..Lia dtg rumah nak guna internet.I made skirt draping utk pakai for Kak Kema’s wedding.Plan asal nak breakfast dgn dia kat mamak je, turns out gi lunch kt Bangi-D’Limau Nipis.Sedap gile makan sini..Then beli brg bakery lia at Vanila Pastries..Pergi Metro kajang nak cari fake eyelashes.. Jumpa rm5 je.ehehe.Then greatest find kurung chiffon at De Alfa..Rm50 for 2..Can u believe it?? Rasa overwhelm nak gila. Then Lia teringin sate minang. G cari kt Batu 13, kedai tu tukang masak balik ke kitorg minum saje.. Then balik rumah msing2..

Saturday morning. Plan asal nak naik Bukit tabur. tapi kena pick up paksu at KLIA. Ok so off i go..then balik stopped by at Alang’s. Jaja nak buat shoot family since my friend Hiza cancel pre wed shoot. I text Faiz, he’s ok.So petang i pick up Faiz at LRT then g Putrajaya to shoot. Ok memang feeling manager.hehaha. Faiz came up with an idea that me and him do a business based on this. Photography and editing services. I am so thrilled since im so into these things- posing, directing, managing..So i think this is so great. I’ll come up with a plan that we’ll be discussed later.:). Ok after shoot makan kt MZ-Jaja n Shah’s friend restaurant. Then pergi Ukay to meet ummu, see her preps and bajus. Ohmaiigodd gorgeous sangat the bajus……macam ummu lak nak nikoh..Then at 12 smtg hantar faiz n do the transfer of pics..Cute sgt all the pics.

Sunday morning..Lazyyyy morning..Im stuck at bed up till 4pm kot.ahaha. Then siap2 for birthday party Iwan n Amie kt nenek’s place at 5. So makan2 jela at nenek’s place. It was fun. Balik rumah at 10.

Monday morning..yah im still cuti..went for car servicing at perodua’s bangi. Suka service sini sebab murah skit n tmpt best, ada surau, aircond best..Pergi print gambar sikit n beli groceries. Balik rumah makan n stuff..Then Lia ajak steamboat at Johnny’s since ada voucher.

Ok its a wrap.. Penat ok karang mender ni..Tu pun cerita dengan teknik paling malas.

Alhamdulillah sekarang semua ok, inshaAllah. Dah xfikir lg dah benda2 itu.:))