Archive for December, 2009


Mahu mak sihat seperti gambar-gambar di bawah….

Mak n Ayah cheers to life!

mak and kak siti..kak siti is a good caretaker

Mak's birthday last year..same time my car delivered..

Mak and Izwan at Majlis Cukur Sharkawi Azri

During my convocation August 2008

salam kemaafan


this is so complicated!!!!

Modern or Traditional treatment for cancer?????

My findings :

National Cancer Society Malaysia officer said ” Go for chemo first after that do whatever you want”

MAKNA officer said” Chemo Chemo”

TCM Hospital Putrajaya coordinator said” Chemo first then come here for complimentary side-effect treatment”

Cancer survivor Master Yap said ” Tung Shin is good,anything you decide, you must be rigid about it and have faith”

Nutrition therapist said ” Never go for Chemo-make her condition worsens. Plus she’s very letharghy now, what about after chemo later?”

Colleague cum Nutritionist said ” Tung Shin Tung Shin”

Malay Traditional Practitioner said” Dont do Chemo!”

Now my mom has been reviewed back after some uncertainties PPUM’s detect from her previous Lab report. So she’ll have to do the diagnostic procedure once again all over-CT scan, xray, hispatologi..

And now she’s soooo weak…

I don’t think she’ll ever fit for Chemotherapy anymore….

Ya Allah

Ya Allah, ya Tuhan-ku, sesungguhnya aku minta kebaikan dalam urusanku dengan ilmu Engkau, dan aku minta kepastian kepada-Mu dengan kudrat-Mu, dan aku minta kepada Mu dari keutamaan-Mu yang Agung itu, Sesungguhnya Engkau berkuasa dan aku tidak berkuasa, Engkau mengetahui dan aku tidak mengetahui, serta Engkau mengetahui barang yang ghaib, Ya Allah, Ya Tuhanku, jika Engkau mengetahui urusan ini .Untuk ku dalam agama-ku, dan dunia ku dan akibatnya didunia dan di akhirat takdirkanlah ia untuk ku dan berkahkanlah aku didalamnya, kemudian senangkanlah ia untuk ku, dan jika Engkau mengetahuinya bahawa urusan ini? buruk/jelek bagi-ku dalam agama ku, dan dunia ku, dan akibatnya didunia dan diakhirat, maka palingkanlah aku dari padanya, dan palingkanlah ia dari pada ku dan takdirkanlah bagi ku kebaikan dimana saja berada, sesungguhnya Engkau atas segala sesuatu sangat berkuasa, dan selawat atas Allah kepada Nabi Muhammad dan keluarganya serta para sahabatnya dengan keselamatan.

Mohon panjangkan usia mak untuk dia memijak di tanah suci menunaikan umrah…

Mak (Right )with her sisters-bersemangat dan sembuhlah mak..nanti boleh kita jalan-jalan lagi

Surprise birthday..(i think im getting good in surprising people)

I went to JB without telling him.

I made a treaty(nk ayat twilight juge) with Syera to appoint a date with him at Danga Bay stage at 9pm.

Arrived JB at 7pm, went to take portrait painting, change clothes and Yuyu send me to a box cum seat summore to dumps all pressie inside.

I wait near the stage..Nobody there so i guess he’ll surely notice me once he came near the stage but im not sure he ‘ll came in which direction..So I waited and text Syera over and over to remind her to remind him.get it??if not..nevamindd..So I saw him BEHIND the stage when i look back but he didnt notice me, he was talking on the phone.That must have been Syera he’s talking to. I turned to the front stage as if he’ll only see my silhouette from the back.(ade ker??)..I text Syera ” Ask him to find a red scarf woman!!” I cautiously turned half-headed to see his reaction after Syera call him and ask him to find a red headed blooded sweaty woman. I noticed his head turn into a few direction but not eager enough to find this red mystery.. Urghh I give up.. I finally turn around symmetrically towards his position and voila..he notice me..he smile with a closed eyes..

He didnt move a bit. Darn that guy!I came all the wayyy.. I ran to him with this big red box. I know he’s shocked but biasala guys…he says..EXPECTED..No way man..Ego lebey..

Then we sat at the stage pillars..I said Happy Birthday dak mok(rekaan) and open the big red box..

The pressie………..

1. Givenchy Play Perfume(pics as in Sasa entry)

2. T-Shirt-when i had a job at Brunei + keychain(gila corny)

3. Meds first aid kit consist of Paracetamol, Vicks, breacol, handiplast (nak drugged dia)

camnila lbh kurang..

4. 2 CD’s-Song of Paramore and special video i made to him..(very romantic tau)

5. Islamic Book

6. Portrait painting of us….

Susah kan nak choose satu je hadiah…so amikla semua..hehehhehe

Significantly it means 6 years of togetherness=6 present..since 2003

ps : I never.I repeat never never ever give him ANYthing on his birthday for the past 6 years so this came is a lil something..

Ops by the way this is the ala-shocked bday boy mok

hmm sihat neh ini budak

Our dinner : Rose Garden, Danga Bay. Initially I planned to go TGIF but quite far and its 10 already..Save duit aku

Rounded Chicken Rice-their specialty

Nasi Ayam jerrrrrrrr for birthday..


Here’s the tequila shot bebehh…Uiiiii no lah..this is Lime-ala tequila…xpuas lgsung minum..mula2 cam tanya halal ke x ni..dengar tequila dah seram aku teringat cite Yes Man Jim Carrey pengsan lpas minum tequila plus its non-halal..But its only flavour, bukan alcohol. Ish xnak lagi ah minum benda ni.

Ok baibai


p/s : Sekarang bermastautin di PPUM jaga mak

Vanilla addict

Who doesn’t love vanilla scent or  flavor right?

Last week I had a THING with vanilla stuff. This sound freaky eh im soo into food what to do

Browsing through AVON catalogue, theres a vanilla perfume spray that smells damnn good!

I used to wear the body shop vanilla perfume oil to school. I wonder is it really for the body or what.I mean..its oil…

Then i bump into a shop smells friggin vanilla all over!!!

very victorianish royalty logo

I cant help myself so…

Vanilla cake!

I expect the taste would be soooo tempting..but its average.but better than most spongy vanilla cake lah…

The shop name Vanilla located at Kajang town..they sell pastries and majoring in vanilla cakes..ahaha i guess so. and the shop girl keep talking about the vanilla cake they expert in said the vanilla was imported from Madagascar or something..

The cake per slices not worth it..better i bought secret recipe cheesecake.

ps : McD vanilla vanilla flavour thing evahhh

TV show : Tangkap muat

Tak pernah tengok this show tapi since lepak kat rumah semalam and konon-konon nak pergi DaVinci exhibition during the noon tapi tak jadi sebab Ika rushing nak buat presentation board untuk submit, then layan jela astro.

This Tangkap Muat is a makeover show of a PERSON who seems to be outdated/personality disorder and need a perk of their life. Usually friends/family who cannot stand their sense of style anymore and donate(kejam aku) them to Tangkap Muat crew to make some renovation.

The victim/lucky guy is it of the day is Kamal.

He is a biochem-geek-silent in suffer-inconfident-has BUT a high flyers-nice guy type also

He wrote all over the place of his aim-4.00 GPA in front of his book, inside the cupboard.Wooww thats a little something. I never done that during my uni years obviously.

Ok so this crew-Rizalman and Zulfadzli pergi la rumah sewa si Kamal ni untuk geledah almari dia..Member dia yang calon kan ni memang kutuk habisan ah. Baju kat rumah 1 je.baju kuning tuu.Then gi kuliah pkai baju sponsor hari kebangsaan, hari sukan etc. Beg gi kuliah pun beg sekolah budak darjah 3. Suka tersengih, kalo orang tegur ape-ape pun..sengihh je.memang pendiam abis ah. Cea aku buat skrip sebijik member dia cakap.

Then si Rizalman siap pkai rubber gloves geledah almari dia. Dah macam Room Raiders je. Sib baik xbawak  thong, uv light scan semua..

Tapi seriously kesian la tengok Kamal ni.Comel tapi xpandai bergaya sangat. Setuju si Rizalman n Zul cakap..pelajaran 4 flat, penampilan pun kena tnjukkan gaya 4 flat gak la..baru seiring. Kamal pergi shopping dengan Rizalman pakai oversize t-shirt, seluar hitam besar and senteng(rizalman ckp kamal pakai seluar bapak dia) siot sajor.and pakai selipar getah/plastik yang selalu gi toilet tu…OMG kalo ade fashion police, si Kamal ni dah kena arrested and masuk cell 50 tahun, boleh keluar kalau dah berpakaian baik. Kejam ..

Xsempat snap pics before transformation tp ade after the makeoverr

u would never imagine his look before

cute kan

Ok Rizalman n Zul berjaya la makeover dia inih walaupun pedasss je kritikan.

Aku rasa produser nak rancangan ni laserr and straight to the point la. Xda maknanya nk positive kritikan..katanya.

Cannot go bila Zul cakap haa…aku nk kasi dia pakai baju ni..nampak macam orang kaya sikit. Ade keee..Ikut kemampuan la kott. Tangkap Muat maybe bagi si kamal tu at least 2 set je baju kott.Lepas tu dia kena guna duit sendiri gak. Mana tau kamal orang susah, mana kita tau kan. Ramai ape orang tak mampu beli jeans.

Aku rasa rancangan ini boleh lebih menarik lagi..

Sasa Warehouse Sales (3-6 December 2009)

hey hey quick post…

I just got back from Queens Park, Jalan Peel, Cheras. during my lunch breaks

All the perfume got 40-50% off. Its all under rm200.

The perfume i stand a chance to remember that are still available but selling fast- Eternity CK, Kate Moss, BOSS, Escada, Cacharel,JLo Glow, Dunhill, Burberry London, Gucci , Bvlgari.

I bought Givenchy Play 50ml for rm106

and La Perla Charme 35ml for rm29

the bottle cap got lacey-lacey pattern i like

Urghhh Marc Jacob Daisy finish already and kate Moss 100ml only MYR136…Should I stopped by after work?

ps : Queens Park located near Carrefour Jalan Peel, after Jusco maluri if using Jalan Cheras.  Also there’s Giordano DAMAGE sales at Queens Park..which the garment slightly damage, damage or really damage.Price from rm3 for tops.

pps : MNG Outlet dissapeared from Queens Park is it? I seems cant find it..

Word up!

English is sometimes very weird……

How did they use one word for multiple meaning? Poor kids who just learn English and got confused..

I never thought about it until recently someone mentioned.

Ok here’s some examples i can think of :

STOOL- low bench, feces..eww.

example : – A mom :Honey, could you just shut your mouth and sit still on your stool..

The baby : My stool? which one..

Well honestly thats the only i can think of for now.hahaha.update later

ps : Sasa Clearance Sales at Queens Park 3-6 Dec 2009. better hurry..

Saya malas, jadi saya buat tag ni..aik td ckp malas..

1. Bekas kekasih saya – Xpernah ade bekas kekasih..Puppy love xconsider kekasih huh

2. Saya sedang mendengar – Kosong dalam bilik currently listening to Paramore!

3. Mungkin saya patut – Berusaha cari kerja..ops..xlah..Grab opportunities and do work better


5. Sahabat-sahabat saya – berbagai ragam.Ada yang pelik, ada nice, ada selfish, ada self-concious, ade psycho.Hehe

6. Saya tak faham – kenapa org anggap Sarah Jessica Parker tu fashion icon

7. Saya kehilangan – kegembiraan sebab kesihatan mak xberapa baik.

8. Ramai yang berkata – saya  tak ada perasaan

9. Cinta itu adalah – penyatuan dua hati willingly

10. Di suatu tempat, seseorang sedang – bersukaria, xhirau org sengsara/papa

11. Saya akan cuba – menjadi yang terbaik buat diri sendiri

12. Perkataan SELAMANYA membawa maksud – everlast..eternal..sampai bila-bila

13. Telefon bimbit saya – BARU.Nokia 5730 xpressmusic. hadiah birthday.rasa mcm teenage je.Nak E series…

14. Bila saya terjaga – selalu dah lewat.Kalau xsolat subuh rasa guilt ya amat.

15. Saya paling meluat – Orang suka menipu untuk impress orang lain

16. Pesta/parti adalah – gathering ramai-ramai, ada music, food

17. Haiwan yang paling comel pernah saya temui – im not so fond of animal..but i think hamster kot

18. Peringkat umur yang paling menyeronokkan saya ialah – 19tahun.

19. Hari ini – Jumaat, suka Jumaat sebab esok Sabtu. Jumaat buat saya tenang, xtahu kenapa.

20. Malam ini saya akan – Kemas rumah/tengok New Moon kali ke-2

21. Esok pula saya akan – Menginap di rumah Shik atau ajak Hudarezzy datang rumah. Im a home person eh..

22. Saya betul-betul inginkan – Makeover rumah..secara total.All white and nak beli kereta baru untuk ayah.

23. Ketika saya lihat wajah saya di hadapan cermin pagi ini – Makeup semalam xbuang, terus tido..

24. Pusat membeli-belah atau arked permainan – Shopping la..xsuka archade, bising

25. Makanan Barat atau Jepun? – Barat..Suka masak western juga..Jepun sekali skala je boleh telan.

26. Bilik yang terang atau gelap? – Terang..To make me awake! Jangan asik tidoo je

27. Makanan segera adalah – selalu jugak makan

28. Ayat terakhir yang anda telah katakan pada seseorang – Ayat tu orang xfaham kot..setelah my colleague tanya maksud chain distributor dalam BM

29. Lepas ini saya akan – buat kerja…tau

30. Siapa yang anda ingin tag – xmau tag sapa-sapa


I made it all by myself except for the rendang. Each has their own stories. .

Story 1 : Kek Batik a.k.a theeasiestcakeonearth. Its not really cake anyway.All I need is half can of creamer, a packet of milo(small packet), marie biscuit and butter/margarine 250g. Since Tesco kajang packed with maliciously Malaysians who borong all Milo left an empty shelves, then i replace it with Tesco Choice choc.malt which taste ewww..Still got whole cake inside fridge…

Story 2 : Trifle a.k.a supposelytheyummiestdessertofall. I use sponge cakes, cocktail fruits, custard,cooked  jelly,whipping cream and peach slice. It took me hours to think of the exact steps on making 3am i made this.Argghh im questioning like.”hey will the jelly mix with the cream if i pour now? Should I heat the cream?<–what on earth??How long i cook this custard and what condition?Should i wait until the custard hardens? Hey the cream should be the last layer….and so on. Finally it taste fine but not the best la.

Story 3 : Bolognese sauce. This is horrible. I dumped everything in it and the meat does not cook..weeeek

Story 4 : The Spaghetti and Macaroni. I mixed it up since got small portion of macaroni left.Emm no damages here.

Story 5 : Rendang. Err ayah made it.:)

Story 6 : Cheese ravioli in tomato sauce.. Actually it was an instant from the can.Hahaha.Influenced by Twilight nih..

I raya-ing at Alang’s house..They got hefty of good foood.mee masam manis, pizza, lodeh,ketupat, kari ketam, sup ekor…

Ayam Penyet Wong Solo

Last night, my cravings fulfilled. Im sooo wanting to eat Nasi Ayam Penyet and I went to Wong Solo with Fafa after hours of googling and reads other reviews and since it was the nearest place from my workplace.

halalan thayyiban means ditanggung halal

Wong Solo ( fafa firstly thought it was a Chinese restaurant) has 3 branch-Taman Dagang, Ampang/BBBangi/Kg Baru Other Indonesian Cuisine you can look out is Ayam penyet Ria, AP Ayam Penyet and Sari Ratu. Ok the location is very easy to find, it was next to Galaxy Ampang. After IPD Ampang Jaya on right,Ace hardware onleft, look to your left. There’s a whole  row of restaurant and Wong Solo placed next to Tini’s Spa.

The interior is decent. air conditioned, 2 options of seating weather to sit on chair or bersila Malay/Indon style at an individual hut they provide with a weaven wall. Its really nice and private. We order Nasi Ayam Penyet which comes with Seamaster mineral water priced rm10.90. I think it is quite pricey compare to normal restaurant i’ve been in Tmn U, JB.They only charge 5-6 ringgit back then. But s’okay,maybe  the price includes nice interior+music feel like u are in Jakarta.

i love the chilli on top of the chicken

Also we order additional drinks since the beverage got unique name. Jus Poligami? Soda Gembira(air bandung) price rm5-6 ringgit per glass.

fafa stealing my Soda Gembira

Others choice : Pecel lele, Tembel Sapi, Ayam bakar, all those Indonesian cuisine la. i could not remember all.

The verdict? : I loveeee the chicken.Perfectly fried and the tempeh and tofu is nice. The brinjal howdidtheycookthat was great.. Overall, its worth the visit, the food is good, clean interior, nice music background, cute waiter 🙂

ps : This place has been recognized by JJCM crew, got Superbrands awards summore..

pps : Im going to Bandung next March.My first trip to Indonesia.Yay

ppps : Ayam Penyet looks easy peasy to made huh…

the look outside..sorry for the bad lighting..and the black creature

The pair in the private hut.