Archive for November, 2011

Last thursday night.

I have somekind of guilt if keluar on thursday night. You know what i mean kan..

Ok turns out semalam i went to Times Square tp catch Twilight Breaking Dawn Pt 1.  I used to be Twi-hard tapi dah slow down entah kenapa. Good for me. haha. Pergi pun sebab cece nak pergi. Ask lia sekali. Plan asal nak pergi Big Bad Wolf cancel sebab takot tak sempat tgk movie.

Went there, ada lagi tixs, they’re having 2 hall screening at the same time. Then my phone died.Sampai kena pinjam phone strangers to call cece. But now dah ada Blackberry, cece bagi pinjam up till i got phone baru or figure out nak repair this N97.

I went shopping before the movie. Oh best gile shopping sini dah lama dah tak buat. I bought omg semua cute (ok i sounded retard)

BnW Polka dot tube, peachy knee-length summer dress, Empire cut electric blue blouse with frills , Teal green empire blouse saloma cutting (This my absolute fav) and harem pants. And the whole damage 4 baju and 1 pant only 63MYR.

Ok lepas tu baru tgk movie. urm ok la..i would rate it 3/5..I like her wedding dress, the Isle Esme mmg cantikk, Jacob brtambah hensem i think. I like the transformation Bella to become a vampire. Costume designer best.

Ok random betul post ni.

Bella swan wedding dress now available. Of course it will...more info

Bella and Renesmee

ps: My body has imprinted  Chymara’s Body Shop. I feel good in it. ;p

At least my soul is…and I’m happy

“Yes, once you decide to embrace Islam, its teachings, its way of life..You’ll have less and less friends, and yes it will be hard but know that those are not your real friends,the real friends are those who remind you to solat and talk about Islam and share knowledge and stories about the prophets.”

How true.

Though my friday and saturday nights are uneventful and mundane, I am at peace. At least my soul is…and I’m happy

Taken from here

Motivation of the day

No matter how weak you think your imaan has gotten, never let your five daily prayers and your relationship with the Qur’an go.

How I met your mother-funny quotes

They’re funny people.I love them and learn new words a lot. ha ha.
TED MOSBY: Hey guys, Zoey just told me about this great Frank Lloyd Wright retrospective, who’s in?
LILY ALDRIN: Sorry, I’m ummmm…I don’t know, washing my hair.
MARSHALL ERIKSEN : Running the water.
ROBIN SCHERBATSKY : Holding the towel.
BARNEY STINSON : I’ll be home trying to get over the fact that no one invited me to the big hair washing party.

List of films aired in TV Alhijrah

We need some good movies, no? Here i list down some film i watched over TVAlhijrah and collect in from google yo

Children of heaven (Iran)-children,hardship
Perempuan Berkalung Sorban (Indonesia)-islamic
Half a confession (Japan)-alzheimer
Memories of Tomorrow (Japan)-alzhemier
Muhammad Utusan Terakhir- Animation
Marathon (Korea)-autism
Salve(Iran)-drug addict
Heiran(Iranian Aghanistan)-love
*Laskar Pelangi(Indonesia)-children education, hardship
*Harmony(Korea)-woman prisoners, mom-daughter
*Hayat(Iran)- children education, poverty
*Emak Ingin Naik Haji(Indonesia)-Hajj, hardship
Last Queen of The Earth (Iran)-9/11, hardship
Ketika Cinta Bertasbih (Indonesia)-love
Leaps & Bounds (Turkey)-children, hardship,won many awards
Winky Horse (Holland)-children,horse, won many awards

This blogger review most indie-provocative movie. Good listing.

ps: asterisk * means i watched it alredy..yg lain belum tgk.

pps: 114 Alhijrah means 114 surah in quran..wa boleh tak baru nak notice. mashaAllah.

short thought

Hantaran gift. no need

Come to think about it..tak payah ada lagi senang kan.. You know how remeh it is and menyusahkan yourself and others to bring it..especially if the groom datang dari jauh. Its a gift…lagi senang the groom bagi duit haa nah rm3k jom pergi shopping barang apa yang awak suka after the event. Masuk dalam mas kahwin ke..kan. itu what i think of la..Lain orang, lain pendapat..Ada my friends’s sis buat hantaran gift ni masa tunang je, then masa nikah dah takda dulang2 hantaran ni. Menyenangkan..I like it that way.

Double blessing

Everytime its raining on Jumaat, my heart pounds…double blessinggg! Time for dua. Also when i saw double rainbow..double blessinggg! he…

Soul feeder-40 days

I listened to this morning the tajuk “Bahagianya musibah” by this soft spoken ustaz i really like dalam madrasah al-hijrah


Ok i saw lycra kurung cantikkk.I wanna buy la lycra.

egg tart

Im easy.Bribe me with egg tart.

dark brown and dusty green

If the menjahit spirit comes……grab it! It might flew away very soon.

Its actually a note to self. Ada kenduri and i feel the rush to modify my baju here and there..

Recently i bought tudung brown leopard print with awning dusty green..Then it made me think, i got dark brown kaftan..all i need is a dusty green kain/palazzo pant to go with the tudung. (Sebenarnya nak sangat pakai tudung itu)…So now i need to sew a green skirt! I was thinking about the material..Chiffon or cotton or jersey or satin.

this combo not bad eyh

I loooove this styling

from buttonybuttons

Intended to do like this! This buttonmybuttons always ignite my semangat to jahit! simple, pastelly look. wo wo, plus nak beli pump shoes ala2 oxford.

draft pending

yes the PAC post is still in my draft. Might as well finish it. If’ll be like other tapai inside my draft.


Dulu i dont get this 11:11 quote..I was like….what is the big fuss? Okay its

Being an inquiry spirited person, i googled it out..It has many version of the meaning.

1) 11:11 comes twice a day.. because everyone deserve’s a second chance. it symbolize chances in life.

2) A moment where people wish for something. and be granted?

3) Something related to Mayan’s calendar.Of the time the world ends.

Truth is…..i dont even care to bother. Seriously, Allah swt gave me 86,400 seconds to pray, any time of the day.

I’d like to share this from Yasmin Mogahed. She’s an amazing writer, mashaAllah

Think for a moment about what’s nearest to us. If asked this question, many would say it is the heart and the self that are nearest. But, Allah (swt) says:


“It was We Who created man, and We know what dark suggestions his nafs (self) makes to him: for We are nearer to him than (his) jugular vein,” (Qur’an 50:16).

In this verse, Allah (swt) begins by showing us that He knows our struggles. There is comfort in knowing that someone sees our struggles. He knows what our own self calls us to. But He is closer. He is closer than our own self and what it calls for.  He is closer than our jugular vein. And why the jugular? What is so striking about this part of us? The jugular vein is the most important vein that brings blood to the heart. If severed, we die almost immediately. It is literally our lifeline. But Allah (swt) is closer. Allah (swt) is closer than our own life, than our own Self, than our own nafs. And He is closer than the most important pathway to our heart.

Happy friday…Its a weekly ‘raya’ for us muslim 🙂


Firstly i saw this book at Popular bookstore Jusco Cheras Selatan. Tengok, ohh rm10, murah..bagus isinya.Last2 tak beli.

Then i saw my friend Ummu ada on her study desk. I thought..yeah ummu ada, it must be good. Nak beli lah.

Then baru semalam i beli at MPH Midalley. Bought together with mini terjemahan quran. Both very petite size and i like it soooo much. And seriously, murah. Tolong jangan berkira nak beli islamic book and quran. Beli twilight series boleh, islamic book kenapa teragak2. Ok sebenarnya i rarely buy books pun. ;p

AL-MAJMU’US SARIFUL KAMIL is a compilation of full surah (yg byk fadilat and kelebihan), dua, zikr, asma ul husna. Seriously i think ini book yang complete and satisfy my needs sebab i’d like to recite certain part of verses and surah but there’s time i dont bring the quran, whereas my quran is big in size, not so very handy. And there also some dua yang i’d really like to hafal…is in there..So macam truly SuperPack book to me. The wording is clear and the color sesuai, tak sakit mata, senang baca. I got banyak dua books at home tapi those tak mash up together. I mean..dua books lain, yasiin lain, surah2 pilihan buku lain, asma ul husna buku lain…So,  tak praktikal and contented.

Then it make me think..I like it soooo much, it would be a great gift kan to others. If someone give it to me, mashaAllah it’ll be the best gift ever and im going to remember that person for the longest time. hehe. Ok over but serious…it at least satisfy my needs. tapi diff people diff needs kan..But it truly come from my hearts if i were about to give to my friends.

Dont you think it would be great as a wedding gift?? I know its quite pricey tapi boleh bagi to VIP guest/main table occupants. Main table maybe around 10-20 pax je. I saw it online (it was originally from Indonesia), dekat bandung can get from as low as myr4. The cover is in silver or gold, sesuai for wedding. Banyak pahala you can gain if you give it to others and they practice it.. you will continuously gain the pahala. How beautiful kan.

Oh dia ada 3 sizes kat MPH, smallest size is myr6, medium (as i bought) is myr10, big size pun same price myr10.

Some of the content (nak salin semua tak tersalin). It has 431pages.

  • Fadhilat section – fahilat jumaat, membaca quran as whole, membaca part of the surah. The best thing, the surah is full :  surah yaasinn, kahfi, as-sajdah, ar-rahman, al-waqiah, nuh, mulk, muzammil, naba,muawwizat and more and ayat hafalan
  • Zikr and doa section – all types of salawat, and dua
  • Tahlil, talkin and perlaksanaan jenazah
  • Sunah, Zikr and dua sekitar tidur
  • Sunah, Zikr and dua sekitar solat
  • Asma ul-husna

The inside

Photo credit

Yeah buku ni dah lama in store tapi i baru discovered. 🙂